DFSI domains

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The table here lists all the domains under DFSI (Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, now the Department of Customer Service).

Agency partners with email addresses ending with any of these domains will:


Domain name Department/Agency
aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au Aboriginal Affairs
alt.nsw.gov.au Aboriginal Languages Trust
business.nsw.gov.au Business in NSW
ccrdc.nsw.gov.au Central Coast Regional Development Corporation
centreforwhs.nsw.gov.au Centre for Work Health and Safety
chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au Chief Scientist & Engineer
customerservice.nsw.gov.au Department of Customer Service
cyber.nsw.gov.au Digital.NSW
dnsw.com.au Destination NSW
dpc.nsw.gov.au Department of Premier and Cabinet
enterprise.nsw.gov.au Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade
eslinsurancemonitor.nsw.gov.au Revenue NSW
finance.nsw.gov.au NSW Treasury
gcc.nsw.gov.au Greater Cities Commission
govconnect.nsw.gov.au Department of Customer Service
governor.nsw.gov.au Governor of NSW
gsc.nsw.gov.au Greater Sydney Commission
gwic.nsw.gov.au Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission
idsupport.nsw.gov.au ID Support NSW
ilga.nsw.gov.au Independent Liquor and Gaming
industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au NSW Industrial Relations
investment.nsw.gov.au Investment NSW
ipc.nsw.gov.au Information and Privacy Commission NSW
iro.nsw.gov.au Independent Review Office
jobsfornsw.com I work for NSW
kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au Office of the Children's Guardian
lands.nsw.gov.au NSW Land and Property Information
liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au Liquor & Gaming NSW
longservice.nsw.gov.au Long Service Corporation
mhl.nsw.gov.au Manly Hydraulics Laboratory
ndiswc.nsw.gov.au NDIS Worker Check
nicc.nsw.gov.au NSW Independent Casino Commission
nrc.nsw.gov.au National Resources Commission
ocg.nsw.gov.au Office of the Children's Guardian
oralra.nsw.gov.au Office of the Registrar Aboriginal Land Rights Act
ovg.nsw.gov.au Office of the Valuer General
pco.nsw.gov.au Parliamentary Counsel's Office
pi.nsw.gov.au Personal Injury Commission
productivity.nsw.gov.au NSW Productivity Commission
property.nsw.gov.au Property NSW
psa.gov.au Professional Standards Councils
psc.nsw.gov.au NSW Public Service Commission
racing.nsw.gov.au Office of Racing
responsiblegambling.nsw.gov.au Office of Responsible Gambling
revenue.nsw.gov.au Revenue NSW
rgdc.nsw.gov.au Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation
safework.nsw.gov.au SafeWork NSW
servicefirst.nsw.gov.au NSW ServiceFirst
service.nsw.gov.au Service NSW
sicorp.nsw.gov.au NSW Self Insurance Corporation
sira.nsw.gov.au State Insurance Regulatory Authority
smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au Small Business Commissioner
specialcommission.nsw.gov.au The Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes
srwsd.nsw.gov.au Safety Return to Work and Support Division
sydneyaustralia.com NSW Department of Industry
sydneystartuphub.com.au Sydney Startup Hub
tco.nsw.gov.au The Cabinet Office

The Premier's Department

treasury.nsw.gov.au NSW Treasury
wcaa.sydney Western City and Aerotropolis Authority
wcc.nsw.gov.au Workers Compensation Commission of NSW
wiro.nsw.gov.au Workers Compensation Independent Review Office
wpca.sydney Western Parkland City Authority


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