My dashboard is a simple way to view, access and navigate between your content. It represents our ongoing efforts to enhance the Content Management System (CMS) experience. My dashboard is the first screen you land on right after you log into the CMS.
What My dashboard is used for
The My dashboard view serves as a central content management area within the CMS platform. It enables easy access to common tasks such as adding or viewing content and accessing support and learning resources.
Example of My Dashboard
Key features and benefits
Direct access to add new content
Add new content or media using the quick actions buttons. -
Overview of recent activity
View content that you have recently edited as well as content that has recently been edited by team members in shared editorial groups. -
Easy access to resources and support
Access useful support and resources directly from your dashboard such as the Help Hub and CMS Components Guide.
How to see the My dashboard view
When you log in to the CMS you will land on the My dashboard view.
Once logged in, you can access My dashboard from anywhere using the admin menu bar. The admin menu bar is the black menu that appears across the top of the screen. It’s not visible to public visitors to your site.
Other changes
Workbench menu item is no longer available. This has been replaced by the streamlined My Dashboard view.
The menu item label Home has been replaced with View site. The function remains as is; opening the homepage of
Need any more help?
If you have any questions, or require assistance with anything mentioned on this article, submit a request via the webform.