Lifejacket hero banner image specifications

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Lifejacket Wear It details information for NSW citizens and visitors regarding lifejackets to use for safety when boarding a recreational vessel, such as a boat, a speeder or a kayak.

In it is a lifejacket selector tool which determines which lifejackets would be appropriate to use dependent on the vessel and activity the user will be using and undertaking. This tool will be built on a new content type called a product page which requires a hero banner image to be set up with it.

The Lifejacket hero banner image needs to adhere to the following specifications so the entire lifejacket image is visible no matter what device a visitor is using.

Spacing: There should be approximately 130px above and below the lifejacket image.
Colour background: Brand light, Blue 04, #CBEDFD
Size dimensions: 1280 x 720px

Lifejackets full image.png

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