Glossary of NSW Government keywords and terms

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Agency: a Public Service agency as defined by the Government Sector Employment Act – see also Schedule 1 of the GSE Act.

Agency partner: CMS end-users from agencies who have migrated their agency pages on as part of the OneCX Program.

Cabinet: used interchangeably with Ministry; a group of Ministers, including the Premier, which make up the executive government of New South Wales.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD): CALD is the acronym for 'culturally and linguistically diverse' or 'cultural and linguistic diversity'. This describes Australia as a culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse population. One in every four Australians was born overseas. In NSW that increases to almost 28%, and Sydney has the highest overseas-born population of all capital cities. See also GUIDE: What is CALD? from Multicultural NSW.

Customer: anyone who lives, works, visits, or invests in NSW. Customers include people and businesses who want to or are required to interact with Government, including people serving custodial sentences.

Department: also known as a ministerial department. It is the top division of public service. It is led by a Secretary, who reports to one or multiple Ministers. See also the NSW Government Departments and Agencies page for the current list.

Digital Channels: the NSW Government Digital Channels is the directorate business unit running the OneCX Program. It comprises of teams who exist to support agency partners and stakeholders responsible for maintaining and updating their agency pages on

Grant: a way of distributing public money to achieve government policy outcomes for the benefit of the community. The NSW Government is committed to ensuring that all public money is spent fairly, effectively and transparently.

Have Your Say: also known as a public consultation. It is where citizens find NSW Government consultations happening in their community, and share their opinions on new projects, services and government policy.

Machinery of Government (MoG): refers to the way government functions and responsibilities are allocated and structured across government agencies. The decision to make machinery of government changes is made by the Premier. Machinery of government changes are formally set out in Administrative Arrangements Orders, which are made by the Governor under the Constitution Act 1902.

Ministry: the body or group of ministers, including the Premier, governing the state of New South Wales. The current Minns ministry is the 100th ministry of the Government of New South Wales and includes a Cabinet of 22 ministers with 50 per cent being women for the first time in NSW Government history.

Minister: leading members of the majority party in the Legislative Assembly or lower house of parliament. Ministers develop, implement, and administer government policy and actions. They are led by the chief minister of the state, the Premier. Each minister is responsible for one or more government departments which perform the duties of government. the official website of the NSW Government where NSW citizens and visitors can access information related to the state of New South Wales.

OneCX Program: the NSW Government program set up to transform customers’ digital experience of NSW Government by making it easier for them to access information from without having to understand or navigate the structure of government. The OneCX Program is working with agencies to build as the single location for customers to source information.

Program: a set of activities managed together over a sustained period of time that aim to achieve an outcome for a client or client group.

Whole-of-Government (WoG): also referred to as ‘Whole-of-Government Approach’ refers to the way activities within government are performed jointly by one or more public administrations, agencies or departments to address challenges or provide services. An example of this is the NSW Cost of Living hub.


Agency acronyms

BDC: Brand, Digital and Communications (Department of Customer Service)

BDM: Births, Deaths and Marriages (Department of Customer Service)

DaPCo: Delivery and Performance Committee 

DCJ: Department of Community and Justice

DCS: Department of Customer Service

DPI: Department of Primary Industries 

DPE: Department of Planning and Environment 

DRF: Digital Restart Fund

GIPA: Government Information (Public Access)

ICT: Infrastructure, Communications & Technology

LLS: Local Land Services

PHO: Public Health Order 

PIFAC: Public Information Functional Area Coordinator  

PSC: Public Service Commission 

RAA: Rural Assistance Authority 

RMS: Roads and Maritime Service

SIRA: State Insurance Regulatory Authority

SNSW: Service NSW


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